human impact dodecahedron project

A Fun and Unique Way to Study Human Impact on the Environment

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Are you looking for a great Human Impact on the Environment Project? Have you scoured the internet looking for human impact project ideas? Well, I am so glad you are here because I have just the idea for you-a human impact on the environment dodecahedron group project. 

human impact dodecahedron project
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What is a dodecahedron?

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If you are not familiar with dodecahedrons, then this is going to be a real treat for you. Dodecahedrons  are also referred to Bloom balls. A dodecahedron is created into a 3D ball that has 12 sides. Each side has content on it and can be used in just about every discipline. Dodecahedrons are best completed in small groups because they involve a lot of work and effort. Since we want them to be having fun while also learning, I find that small groups of 3 works best.

Human Impact on Environment Dodecahedron Group Project

Human impacts can be taught in so many ways in high school, but I like doing a human impact on environment project to help my students truly understand them. I feel that they learn so much more in creating their own product instead of me lecturing on the various human impacts.

First, I break my class into small groups of 3 to 4 and then I assign each group a human impact.

Student need the following items for this project.

  1. Markers/colored pencils
  2. Scissors
  3. Glue/tape/stapler
  4. 12 pages of the dodecahedron pattern 

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Each slide of the dodecahedron has information that should be filled in by the students based on their human impact project topic. I give students time in class to work on their research and assembling their projects.

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Once students have completed and submitted their projects, I love having the students doing a museum walk to observe each groups human impact project. They go around to each project and complete handout with information that pertains to each impact. I want them to not only have a deep understanding for their human impact, but also the other human impacts.

I grade each groups project based on their content, peer evaluation, the museum gallery walk, and neatness/creativity.

If you would like to incorporate this human impact on environment dodecahedron group project into your classroom, you can get it here.




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I help busy teachers (like you) save time and energy by creating engaging Anatomy & Biology resources.  I live in Georgia with my 2 children, husband, and fur baby. I love working out and hanging out with my family. 

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