Scientists Names
Have you ever walked into a science classroom and it felt sterile and blah!? I have too and it is a cold feeling. Science classrooms can often feel that way because of all of the hard surfaces. Over the years, I have done my best to not make my room such a harsh environment by adding plants, fun lighting, and posters. I recently saw the need to include posters with Scientists Names to hang on my walls. I teach in a diverse school and want my students to see that scientists come from all backgrounds and ethnicities. This was a great way to get them interested in learning science.

There are so many amazing and wonderful scientists names that could be incorporated into the classroom. I had a hard time choosing just 10 to create posters on, but feel confident that the ones I choose represent a wide diversity of individuals. So who are these amazing scientists that I display in my classroom? Find out below.
Who Are Famous Scientists
I chose to create posters about the following: Katherine Johnson, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Rosalind Franklin, Alexa Canady, Nikola Tesla, Tim Berners-Lee, Jane Goodall, Mae Jemison, Shinya Yamanaka, & Kalpana Chawla. As we progress throughout the semester, I include other scientists in our classroom discussions that tie into that unit. For instance, I will talk about Charles Darwin during the Evolution unit or Gregor Mendel during the Genetics unit.
Why Incorporate Scientists in Classroom
I mentioned earlier that I teach in a diverse school and it is important to demonstrate to my students’ scientists from various backgrounds. I think it is extremely important that they see females in science who have done incredible things. It is important for them to see African American and Hispanic scientists who have contributed incredible things to society. I want them to see that they can accomplish amazing things too and have a role model that looks like them.

Ways to Use Scientists in Curriculum
I wanted to create a space in my classroom dedicated to the “Scientist of the Month”. I made a section on my bulletin board right by my classroom door to display the Scientist Posters. Instead of hanging them all up in the classroom, I chose to change them monthly. This way it creates more interest and keeps them guessing who the next scientist is going to be.

I have the “Scientist of the Month” letters arranged around the poster and the Month of the Year below. The posters have a QR code for students to scan if they want to learn more about the scientist. Some of the QR codes lead them to a webpage with information about their life, while others will take them to a video about the scientist’s contributions.

Another option would be to print the posters on regular-sized computer paper and display them all together on a bulletin board. Since the posters original size is 8.5 X 11, this would be an easy option. To have the posters actually poster-sized requires a poster maker to print them.
I absolutely love sharing with y’all and would love to connect on IG or Facebook. Follow me and send me a DM with what you need more of because I’m here to help! If you are looking for even more inspiration, find me on Pinterest!
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4 Responses
I LOVE THIS!! Could you tell me what font you used for the “Scientist of the Month” words?
Thank you! Yes is PBMorningJava by Perfect Blend on Teachers Pay Teachers.