After reading this blog post, you will discover how to help students learn the difficult topic of the Endocrine System function. If you teach anatomy & physiology, you know the struggle students endure when learning about the endocrine system function and structure. Before we dive into how to make learning the endocrine system function and parts more engaging, let’s talk about the importance of knowing it.
Looking for more ways to engage your anatomy students? Then check out The Ultimate Guide to Engaging Students to Learn Anatomy | 7 Secrets to Implement Today

Why students should know the endocrine system function
Hormones are those things in life that will make you go crazy (literally) and calm you! It’s one of the most interesting body systems in my opinion and has so much control over every other system in our bodies. However, learning them can be sooooo boring if done the wrong way.
Getting students to “buy into” why they need to know this system takes some finesse. So I like to relate it to them as much as possible. The example I use is different for girls and boys.

For girls, I relate it to their cycles and childbirth. Estrogen (a hormone) is involved when a girl starts puberty. During puberty, a girl will have breast growth, start to accumulate body fat around the hips and thighs, and have a growth spurt. Estrogen and progesterone (another hormone) are also involved in the regulation of their menstrual cycle. These two hormones also play a critical role in pregnancy.
For boys, I relate it to testosterone and secondary sex characteristic growth. The testes have a vital function in the male reproductive system as well as being a part of the endocrine system by releasing testosterone. This hormone is critical to the development of male physical characteristics such as deepening voice, body, hair, and production of sperm.
How to teach the endocrine system function and parts
I start by asking the question “How do hormones influence our behavior?” Usually, I get a lot of great explanations and it leads right into the discussion of hormones and the endocrine system. Hormones help regulate our body’s processes such as blood pressure, hunger, thirst, and sexual desire for reproduction. They are fundamental to our survival as a species.

After this discussion, I typically do a brief overview of the endocrine system pointing out the main functions along with the organs. I only graze over the hormones released by the endocrine glands because I save that for their Endocrine System Body Map Project.
Endocrine System Body Map Project
This truly is the MOST CHALLENGING project I do in my anatomy classes, but the outcome is tremendous! Students every semester tell me that it was hard and “hurt their brains”, but they knew that system better than any other system once it was completed. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from students that this project was their favorite assignment we did in class. They love the fact that it is a creative assignment, is done in small groups, and is different from the daily grind of lectures.
Once they have pushed past the initial struggle of figuring out what they are doing, it goes on seamlessly. Students are pulling out their notes, using the diagrams in their textbook, and even searching up extra information to add to their body maps. This project could easily be differentiated for your classes regardless of whether you teach on-level or honors anatomy.

Typically, I will go over the organs and the hormones they secrete in class with the students using the PowerPoint notes. Once we have covered the basics, then I assign this project for them to really learn the hormones that are secreted and their effect on their target organs. Below I have included suggested ways you could differentiate based on the skill level of your learners.
Suggestions on how to differentiate:
#1: Lecture on the Endocrine System PowerPoint notes and provide the project after covering content
#2: Give students the Endocrine System PowerPoint notes WITH the project and have them figure out the map themselves (this would be for your advanced classes)
#3: Take out the Hypersecretion/Hyposecretion portion of the body map and have students do the Disorder memes instead.
Endocrine System Primary Function: What happens when it goes wrong?
As a part of the endocrine system body map, I have them discuss what happens to each target organ if the hormone is hypersecreted and hyposecreted. If you have time for this part, I highly recommend including it within the project. However, sometimes we run out of time and need to keep moving. If that is the case, I got you! Memes are all the rage and have been for a while now. I have included this Endocrine Disorder Meme when I want students to still be creative, but not be so labor-intensive. Students will make a meme about an endocrine disorder (chosen by you or the student) and list what the malfunction is.

Why Use a Project to Learn about the Endocrine System
Research has shown that hands-on projects motivate students to learn and think critically. They are also able to work with their peers in order to solve problems collaboratively. It is obviously more fun to work on a project being lectured to by the teacher or just reading the textbook. Pulling this off can have its challenges depending on the subject, but anatomy is a great subject for project-based activities.
Best Practices for the Endocrine System Body Map
First, they have to choose a partner they want to work with. This number is good because it’s a large enough task that two people will be actively working the entire time. If group numbers get any larger, then there will inevitably be some that will not participate. The goal is for every student to know the Endocrine System so well they could teach it. The only way to ensure that is to keep groups as partners. However, not all class sizes allow for partners if it’s an uneven number of students. In that case, I would only do groups of 3 with some of the weaker students. This would also give you an opportunity to assist them a little more if needed.
Second, pass out the endocrine system map note table for them to gather their thoughts. The table provides a guide to help get started and will make the task not so daunting. Doing it this way provides a chunking method. The table requires students to use their notes to complete it. The table requires students to input the following: endocrine gland, the hormone secreted, and its target tissue or organ. It also asks for the normal effects of the hormone, effects of hypersecretion, and effects of hyposecretion.
Third, it’s time to get started. Each partner will need a body-sized piece of butcher paper, preferably white or light color to see the drawings. They will need to trace one of their bodies to get a full-sized body map. From there, the endocrine organs should be drawn and carefully placed in the correct location.

Note: I recommend that students do each step in pencil before tracing over it with a marker. once they are confident it’s correct and no changes need to be made, then draw over it to make it darker.
Tips if short on time
#1 Skip the hypersecretion and hyposecretion portion on the Endocrine System Body Map.
#2 Assign an Endocrine System Disorder Meme instead. Students could do a museum-style gallery walk to share with the class.
#3 Students could complete the endocrine system table for homework prior to class so that class time is dedicated just to creating the body map.
#4 You could choose to leave out any organs or hormones that you aren’t planning on covering (not recommended, but is an option).
I hope that after you have read this that you are feeling way more energized about teaching the endocrine system. It doesn’t have to be boring and can totally be student-driven.
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