organs of the body systems

7 Ways to Use Butcher Paper for Demonstrating Organs of the Body Systems

Demonstrating organs of the body systems in anatomy is a key element in helping students understand how our bodies are put together. This is a necessary step in teaching anatomy because if students do not know the structure of organs and organ systems, then it is difficult to study their functions. 


Looking for more ways to engage your anatomy students? Then check out The Ultimate Guide to Engaging Students to Learn Anatomy | 7 Secrets to Implement Today

What Are The Organs of the Body Systems

There are 11 body systems that have different organs and their functions all play a role in our health and vitality. I have always loved having students draw these organ systems and their organs on a large scale such as on butcher paper. By doing this, students are able to actually “see” where the organs go in our bodies, they are able to work collaboratively, and it “forces” them to look at the organs several times in order to draw them. Repetition is key here and they don’t know they are actually studying at the same tie. Win-Win!


7 Ways to Use Butcher Paper for Demonstrating Organs of the Body Systems

1. Anatomical Regions

I usually have students do this activity the first week of school because we start this unit quickly. I project instructions on the board of what they are to do, then I give them an image of the body regions they are to label. The students trace one person lying down in anatomical position before getting started. Once they have a tracing, then the fun begins. They must do both the anterior and posterior drawings. I do not let them use markers so it doesn’t bleed through onto the other side. This typically takes an entire block if they are really working. I have given some groups a little extra time the next day to wrap it up. I love hanging these in the halls when they are finished because they are proud of their work. 

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2. Endocrine System 

This is always the unit that students get so confused about because there are so many hormones, organs, and feedback loops to learn. I have my students do an Endocrine System Body Map Project that lasts several days, but by the end of it, they know the hormones so well and do great on their assessment.

3. Reproductive System

The reproductive system is not one that I typically have students draw large scale (although I do have them draw it in a book project),but is another great option for when you need students to start learning the organs. Again, with all of these systems, I simply project what I want them to draw and they use their textbook to assist them. 

4. Digestive System

The digestive system is quite complex and has several organs so I definitely have them draw and label this system on butcher paper. 

5. Urinary System

This system is not as complex as some of the others (minus the kidneys), but nevertheless, you would be surprised at how many students confuse the urethra with the ureters. Having them draw and label these helps to clear up the confusion. 

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6. Respiratory System

Only a half sheet of butcher paper is required for this activity. Once again a student is traced only from the waist up. Sometimes I have projected instructions and other times I have given them a handout to follow. Since there is not as much to label in this unit, I give them some questions to answer on their butcher paper as well. 

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7. Nervous System

This is the most challenging system to draw on butcher paper depending on if you are including nerves. A great way to use butcher paper for this unit is to have students draw a frontal and lateral view of the brain and label it. This would serve them well in understanding the parts of the brain. You could also have them write the function of each part since there is more room on the paper. 

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I could go on and on about how much I love using butcher paper for anatomical structures. I hope you have found this list helpful and given you some ideas of how you can include butcher paper in your classroom. After all, the goal is to get students talking, moving, and learning about the human body and this definitely is a great way to help students do that. 


Don’t forget to grab your FREE COPY of The Ultimate Guide to Engage Students To Learn Anatomy | 7 Secrets To Implement Today


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I help busy teachers (like you) save time and energy by creating engaging Anatomy & Biology resources.  I live in Georgia with my 2 children, husband, and fur baby. I love working out and hanging out with my family. 

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