
Biochemistry and Biology Doesn’t Have to Suck: Try These Fun Activities Instead

Biochemistry and biology don’t have to be boring and dreadful. There are many activities that can make this unit more interesting that I am sharing in this post. 

Over the years I have tried to make teaching the Biochemistry unit more exciting because let’s be honest, it’s not very interesting to students. I have found that if you infuse biochemistry in real-life scenarios, they tend to “get it” a little better. 


How Is Biochemistry Used In Real Life

You Are What You eat Analysis

I like to start off this unit by introducing the 4 macromolecules and discussing with my students the foods you can find these in. They receive a nutrition label that they work in small groups to analyze. They also receive a reading passage that goes into detail about how to read nutrition labels and what each part of it means. Then they read about the macromolecules and how they are used in our bodies. Once they have completed the reading, they move on to analyzing an authentic meal they might order from a restaurant. Students will examine the nutritional content of popular fast food choices and determine if the meal provides the biological macromolecules needed for life! They will select a popular fast food meal and do a quick search for its nutrition information. Typically this can be found on the restaurant’s website. Students will input the information into a table on their handout and add the components together for the total per meal. It’s really an eye-opener to many students who had NO IDEA how much of certain nutrients they were getting and/or missing. 

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Why Can’t You Use Fresh Pineapple in Jello

This is one of the phenomena I use for this unit because it is so relatable. I start off by asking the question “Why can’t you use fresh pineapple in jello?” Most students really have no idea, so I love incorporating a lab where they test and discover the reason for themselves. Once we have discussed their hypotheses, I move them to the lab stations where they test fresh and canned pineapple and its effects on jello. I have a reading passage on enzymes and their functions for them to read as they are working. Once they have done the lab, we discuss as a group and talk about what happened and why. This phenomena lab gives a concrete understanding of enzymes because they were able to see it for themselves. 

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Biochemistry and Biology

Concept Maps

If you have followed me for a while, then you know how much I LOVE concept maps. There is so much research to back up their uses, but I won’t go into that here. I use concept maps for Biochemistry because visuals truly help students review the content. These can be used to review for an exam, daily reviews, or as warm-ups. The possibilities are endless. 

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Mystery Meals

One exciting lab that students both love and are grossed out by is barf bags or sometimes called Mystery Meals. Students take on the role of analyzing the stomach contents of a deceased individual to identify the macromolecules of their last meal. This leads them to conclude where the individual ate before they died. It brings in an element of suspense and fun that otherwise could make this unit dull. 

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Macromolecule Chart

I often use this macromolecules chart activity as a review as well to wrap up the unit. In the past, I have used this activity to introduce the unit but quickly found that students have no background knowledge and end up getting frustrated. Once I moved it to a review, it went much smoother. 

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My hope is that after reading this post, you got some new ideas on how to liven up teaching and learning biology biochemistry.

I love sharing with y’all and would love to connect on IG or Facebook. Don’t forget to snag the 15 Activities for Biology to Increase Engagement FREEBIE! 


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I love sharing helpful content with y’all and would love to connect on IG or Facebook. I’m on TikTok too! Follow me and send me a DM with what you need more of because I’m here to help! If you are looking for even more inspiration, find me on Pinterest

Wanna read more?

A Creative Way for Students to Learn What Are the Effects of Bacteria

5 Exciting and Fun Ways to Practice Vocabulary for Biology

4 Responses

  1. Are there videos available of students performing your labs? I teach in our district’s Virtual Academy and cannot force students to purchase lab supplies.

    1. Hey there! I do not have video of my labs, but I am sure a quick google search would provide you with some video options.

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I help busy teachers (like you) save time and energy by creating engaging Anatomy & Biology resources.  I live in Georgia with my 2 children, husband, and fur baby. I love working out and hanging out with my family. 

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