
Fun and Creative End of Year The Human Body As A System Project

The human body as a system project is an enjoyable way to wrap up the end of a school year or even offer up extra credit (if that’s your thing). This assignment is a way to tie all of the human body functions together, but stretch students to think outside of the box and be creative. Keep reading for the details.

The Human Body As A System

 In this project, students will be creating a new organ system.  They will be writing a paper and making a diagram/picture of their new body system.  I ask that students are creative it needs to show an understanding of how the new system works with the human body organ system that we already have.  

New Organ System: The Human Body Parts and Their Functions

The first thing students need to establish is the name of their new organ system. They must describe in great detail a description of what it does. Their paper should include a full description of its anatomy AND its physiology. Since the human body organ systems all work together, they must describe how their new organ system interacts with the other body systems.

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In their description, I ask them to indicate tether or not it “could” actually exist and for them to explain the reasoning behind their answers. Along with their written paper, they are required to include a picture of the new organ system in or on a body diagram. They must label to organs and include the functions of each. Lastly, I want to help them understand the original body systems even more from this assignment, so I have them provide their opinion on whether or not this project helped them in that regard. 

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Grading The Human Body Organ System Project

I use the rubric below to assess students’ projects. This is given to them beforehand so that they know exactly what I am expecting prior to starting. 

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Title Page 5

First & last Name, class period, Organ system listed, appropriate font size 


Missing one of the following: first, last name, class period, organ system, or appropriate font size


Missing two or more of the following: first, last name, class period, organ system, or appropriate font size


Title page not submitted

Picture/ Diagram 10

Picture shows great detail including, but not limited to  creativity, labeled, drawn/created  on a full sheet of paper,  colored and is on a human body 


Picture missing one of the following  creativity, labeled, drawn/created  on a full sheet of paper,  colored and is on a human body


Picture missing two or more of the following  creativity, labeled, drawn/created  on a full sheet of paper,  colored and is on a human body


Picture not submitted

Body of Project 25

Paper is typed, 12 pt. font, 1” margins, title of organ system, full detailed description of what the new organ system does, fully describe its anatomy, gives detailed explanation of how it interacts with the other body systems, indicate whether it “could” exist and why  


Paper is missing one of the following or is lacking some details in their explanations: paper typed, 12 pt. font, 1” margins, title of organ system, full detailed description of what the new organ system does, fully describe its anatomy, gives detailed explanation of how it interacts with the other body systems, indicate whether it “could” exist and why  


Paper is missing two of the following or is lacking great details in their explanations: paper typed, 12 pt. font, 1” margins, title of organ system, full detailed description of what the new organ system does, fully describe its anatomy, gives detailed explanation of how it interacts with the other body systems, indicate whether it “could” exist


Written Paper not included, or paper is submitted but with great omissions.

Discussion 10

Opinions of the project overall are included and fully explained; discussion of if the project helped you understand the body systems more in-depth and your reasoning how or how it did not.


Missing one of the following or does not give enough detail: opinions of the project overall are included and fully explained; discussion of if the project helped you understand the body systems more in-depth and your reasoning how or how it did not.


Missing one of the following, and/or is lacking significant details and explanations: opinions of the project overall are included and fully explained; discussion of if the project helped you understand the body systems more in-depth and your reasoning how or how it did not.


Discussion of the project not included


Total Points Earned: ______________

Hopefully, this project inspired you to try it in your anatomy class this year. I have had some crazy creativity come from these assignments. I have often been blown away by what has been turned in. Tag me on IG showing off your students’ projects, as I love seeing what you are doing in your classrooms!

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Don’t forget to grab your FREE COPY of The Ultimate Guide to Engage Students To Learn Anatomy | 7 Secrets To Implement Today


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I love sharing helpful content with y’all and would love to connect on IG or Facebook. I’m on TikTok too! Follow me and send me a DM with what you need more of because I’m here to help! If you are looking for even more inspiration, find me on Pinterest

Wanna read more?

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2 Responses

  1. Tabatha Downer says:

    My students are currently working on “White Blood Cells Count” Analysis & Research Project. Is there an answer key? I realize each patient could have possibly 2-3 different illnesses and students can choose the one they want to research. I would like a key that narrows it down to the 2-3 possible illnesses. Thank you! The kids are really enjoying the project!

    1. Hey there! Unfortunately, I do not have a key that narrows down the illnesses. However, I am so happy to hear your students are enjoying the project.

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I help busy teachers (like you) save time and energy by creating engaging Anatomy & Biology resources.  I live in Georgia with my 2 children, husband, and fur baby. I love working out and hanging out with my family. 

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