
How I Make Flipping in the Classroom Work for My Student Population

lippingI often hear teachers talk about how flipping in the classroom will not work in their school. This is a myth I would like to address because I have proof that it works!


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The Flipped Classroom Method

I teach in a highly diverse community and the majority of students are on free or reduced lunch. I have done the flipped classroom and it works. My classes tend to have a high absentee and high tardy rate. This can make it extremely difficult to catch up students who have several absences and are missing a lot of work. By having my lessons flipped I can reach students no matter where they are or when they engage with the content. I am going to share a couple of methods that you could do if you are on the fence about starting with your students flipping in the classroom.Ā  Flipping doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to be difficult. It can just be easyā€¦and I can’t wait to share with you how to do that!

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Flipping the Classroom Technology

One concern I hear from teachers about flipping in the classroom is that they don’t have the technology or their students don’t have the technology to make it work. This is a myth and there are several ways to make it work for both teachers and students. You can make a simple screencast of you speaking through the notesĀ  Without any fancy software. No editing is required. no camera is even required. Just your voice and your PowerPoint.

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We know that almost all students have cell phones. Most students also have access to YouTube. You can upload your videos to YouTube and give them access to a private link if you do not want your videos circulating the internet. This makes it super easy for students to access because they are already familiar with YouTube.Ā 

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Flipping Learning

Another complaint that I have heard from teachers about flipping in the classroom is that their students will not watch the videos at home. While I agree with this mostly oh, I also do not assign videos for homework. I am a believer that we spend enough time in class and school that when they get home they should have time for other activities such as hanging out with their families, working, or extracurricular activities. So since I do not require my students to watch the videos for homework, I have dedicated small amounts of time in class for them to watch the videos. Now how is this different from my lecturing in front of the class? The difference is students have the ability to pause the video and jot down notes, they can rewind if they missed something, and they also have the ability to go back and re-watch the videos at any time that they feel they need to. I have found that by giving them time in class to watch the videos they are much more inclined to complete them and learn the content.

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Flipping my lessons has really helped my students stay on top of their work and be able to catch up at their own pace. I truly believe that flipping in the classroom can work for any student population and I can attest to the fact that it works!


Donā€™t forget to sign up for the Flip the Script Digital Course Waitlist!


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I love sharing helpful content with y’all and would love to connect on IG or Facebook. Iā€™m on TikTok too! Follow me and send me a DM with what you need more of because I’m here to help! If you are looking for even more inspiration, find me on Pinterest!Ā 

Wanna read more?

3 Simple Tips for Flipping Your Classroom Like a Boss

3 Unexpected Benefits to Using Cornell Notes for Science

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I help busy teachers (like you) save time and energy by creating engaging Anatomy & Biology resources.Ā  I live in Georgia with my 2 children, husband, and fur baby. I love working out and hanging out with my family.Ā 

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